Talk to a provider from your couch 24/7 for $0*

If you’re sick in bed, stay there. Just talk to or message a provider with Oscar's Virtual Urgent Care in as little as 15 minutes. And get a diagnosis, new prescription, or refill without having to go anywhere. No waiting room. No copay. No problem.
woman on couch

We can help you virtually with lots of common issues:

Skin Conditions


Sore Throat

Nausea and Vomiting

Sinus Infection


Doctor Explaining

So, how does it work?

Requesting Virtual Urgent Care is easy. Here’s how you do it:

Step One

Request a consult through your Oscar account

Just log in online or through the app and request a phone call or messaging visit. You can always attach a picture, so your provider can see what’s going on.

Step Two

Talk to a provider

Now it’s time to share your symptoms with your provider. So they can give you a diagnosis and plan to get you feeling your best again.

Step Three

Choose a prescription delivery method

Pick an in-network pharmacy near you. You can also select Capsule for free same-day delivery1 or CVS Mail Order for 90 day refills sent right to your door.

How is Virtual Urgent Care different from Oscar Primary Care?

Virtual Urgent Care offers quick care when things come up. Oscar Primary Care lets you establish long-term care with a primary care provider who can help you manage your whole health.

10 years of caring for you from your couch!Proud to be here for you whenever you need us with Virtual Urgent CareTalk to a provider now
*Oscar’s Virtual Urgent Care offerings are not available in US territories or internationally. If you have an HSA-compatible high-deductible health plan or a Secure plan, you won't be eligible for $0 visits. Prescriptions, visits and services may be limited per provider discretion.
Capsule is $0 for all Oscar members within a service area. To check if Capsule is available in your area go to You may also stay with your local pharmacy and ask them if they have mail order programs.